Monday, December 7, 2009

The Bee/M & M's

First let me say that we have our Grand Aviana and her bff Kendall over for the week. YES, during shop erecting. But they help...LOL When they arrived, much to Avi's distaste Pappa made a "smelly" comment about her "BEE". Avi's BEE is her woobie blanket of 4 years. Its so old now that it has taken on a life of its own and talks to her. YEP YEP YEP... they have entire conversations together. The BEE has had many operations and washings, however, its still ...ahhh...ahhh smelly? No matter, its still a very huge part of Avi's daily life, and no one has the right to touch, wash, or call it names. Bad move Pappa. So he set out to build trust immedietly. They worked in the shop together and swept floors, and he then decided to wash HIS OWN BEE. ( yes, he has a very big tye dyed quilted BEE) He allowed Aviana to do all the buttons on the washer, add soaps and Downey.. then told her that she might be able to do HER BEE tomorrow. She was quite hesitant, but thrilled to be doing the wash. They folded Pappas Big Bee and she saw that it wasnt eaten by the machines at all.
First thing this morning Avi asked me if she could wash her BEE. I nearly passed out. She told me that she wanted to surprise Pappa after work. ( I guess his plan worked yeh?) We loaded up the BEE and put in good smells, pushed all the buttons, and she called out to it saying." bye bye BEE, I love you!" Now you would think all is fine right? Nope. As you can see, she refuses to leave the side of her beloved BEE in the wash. She reswept and remopped the floor. She danced and played in the shop until her patience wore thin. Pictured here is Avi eating a snack while we are on the rinse cycle. I cant get her out of the shop! LOL I suppose she will be taking her lunch out there as it isnt ready yet. grunt.
It's pouring rain today and projected for the week. I am trying to think up rainy day activities as we type. I know any minute now they will be bored and whining. I cant sew yet as the shops still packed tightly. Speaking of the shop, the ceiling, walls , and floor is fantastic! ( can you see some of it?) The ceiling off white, the walls, whisper yellow, the cabinets melted butter, and the floor Brazillian Cherry plank laminate. Walt is really BOB THE BUILDER I tell you. I am so thrilled that his health is even better than I expected. It's incredible to think about a few months ago he was so very ill. Just incredible. I am so very thankful for this.

Marvelous Monday's include

*Walts recovery and his Bob Villa talent:)
*My new shop being up and coming!
* My Aviana and her Bff to entertain her! lol
* Great non picky eaters!
*Princess bed for a princess
*a doubled headed shower... omg I love that!
* Visiting, if only shortly with my daughter.


Anonymous said...

hilarious! We go thru this crap weekly. Dont let her fool u. She does the whole help with the soaps and whatnot at home...We have frontloaders, so she can see the "sheer torture" that her BEE is experiencing! You should post a pic of her clean blanket! Its hilarious listening to her call out for it, like its going to come running like a dog!

Does she miss me yet:( said...

Oh My, Darrell had a Bear Pillow that my Mom made for him, he would stand and cry and whimper Bear, Bear, Mommy, Bear..... It was torture to wash the almighty Bear.... Enjoy your time, hey I have a recipe to make fabric beads,you girls could have a blast... Enjoy your time, even if it is raining.. It is sooo clod here ya can't be outside for very long... Love U More...

Thearica said...

She is just precious! MY little man Parker has his blankie and noone is allowed to touch it. Heather has to wash it when he is asleep and hope it is dry before he wakes up.

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