Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Almost Through These Holidays!

"I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's." Henry Moore

Good Morning:) I see that ten days have past since last we chatted? I'm sorry. I cannot even say that I have been too busy. You peoples now how I feel about downer blogabouts, so I dont write about downer days. Tis a shame, because I would really love to.
Thank you all for your caring emails. What would I do without ya? They feel like a nudge and a prayer all at the same time. I like it.
It was wonderful to be with my family over Christmas days. Just for awhile I didnt have reality stinking up my head. I arrived home last evening and again flip flopped all night. The traffic was just incredible,however I had a great Audio to drive with me. Breaking Dawn! ::Sigh:: Great readers.
I'm off to run a million errands, have a great day Dear blog readers. I'm trying?

Marvelous Mondays:

Family days
Safe drive
Ginger. God bless my Ginger!

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