BUZZ Phrases, Come and Go
Why do people get STUCK on these catch phrases? I think it should be just Rudy being the local parrot, but it isnt! Its everone..... Today, after hearing so much of this I actually said it to someone!
I SO heart that!! (ackkkkkk) A few months back it was:
At the end of the day..................(the media especially ate this up)
Even before that was:
Thats so Surreal!! ( Get another word please!)
How about, let's do lunch! Or....Sheet Happens! ( still going strong)
Theres the valley girls... WHATEVER......( K, u know who u are)
I'll have my people call your people (still going strong too)
I could keep going, theres a serious bunch missing here... but I won't, You guys list some, JIS FER FUN.
It bugs me a bit..( like what doesnt eh) but then again, so does Rudy's incessant question of WANNA MARGARITA? I always say maybe later, and he answers with "k", and goes on about the business of chewing down his playhouse. Just once I'd like him to say good morning to me, just once!
Like I said, he's a parrot!! Its expected. I'll stop and go to work now. I have the longest Sun Bonnet Sue I have ever seen loaded! 66x94? Whats up with that? You peoples......
One the teenagers seem to be using for everything is "hella", as in you're having a "hella" year.
Another one (though it seems to be used less lately) is "sick", as in you have to get this sick CD, dude! Or, the party was SICK!
Christine O.
These drive me crazy!
Think outside the box
Work smarter not harder
Take it to the next level
And don't get me started on the low carbs, low fat, fat free, etc.
These drive me crazy!
Think outside the box
Work smarter not harder
Take it to the next level
And don't get me started on the low carbs, low fat, fat free, etc.
Yo! seems to be a catch all phrase.
What's up with that?
You're bad (meaning good)
Ok - back to work for me.
Later, dude...
Karen A.
Think outside the box.
Ok - now I'm really going back to work....
Oh SNAP!!!So you totally get it!!!
The one that bugs me the most is ALL people can't seem to talk without saying "like"!
Like you wanna go to the mall?
She said like get in here.
Like I really hate that word!!
We need to "interface" with so-n-so. Interface?! How about talk?!?!
Oh, how about people that start everything with DUDE! "Dude, he was so cute." I mean really, can you think of another intro?
Then there's "I mean really" - what else would you mean?! Fakely?? "Dude, I mean really, he was so cute."
Another one that annoys - "seriously". "Dude, I mean really, he was cute, seriously, he was cute."
Oh, wait - those are all things I use! Snap.
Really??? rofl!
and don't forget....
"Yes we can"
i cant stand when people say..."that is wrong,ON SO MANY LEVELS"
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