Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tired and Loved

Walt came home last evening to find 2 tired women and a dog in need of a beauty parlor (Ginger, not me, although I pondered that while typing) and went right to work. I was exasperated having fought with a wonky Ebay King all day only to find several puckers up the right side. Mom stuck with me binding the velvet quilt most of the day, breaking only for lunch. What a trooper!! When I announced that the only thing going on for dinner would be a frogging party, he laid out all kinds of snacks for me & Mom, and a nice handy dandy OTT lamp too.... while we frogged and watched THE GODFATHER. Around 7 he brought wine and warm Sausage Tortellini zoupa in:) What a great guy eh? Mom couldnt stop singing his praises for spoiling her, and Thats what he ate up for dinner:) I was so relieved that I had made the soup a few days ago! Phew!

I'll reload this morning and try to have my way with that darned quilt. I dont think that Mom or Walt will go for another frogging party tonight!

::::Frogging= Stitches being ripped out making the sound of a frog; RIP IT.. RIP IT::::::

*Note to Moomp Photography:

A: I need help with a way to hang quilts to shoot, can you come over?

B: Everyone agrees that Walt, true to life size, is peeking at us coming up the stairwell! LOL

C: U asked for pics! LOL


Thomas (& Laura) Hodge said...

Nice pics, Gina! I'm so glad your Mom can be there with you. Years ago when our Mom came here to visit, we put her to work ripping a zipper out of a coat. One of our customers looked across the room, called "Hi, Laura!" to Mom. I LOVED it. I think Mom did too.
Loves and prayers from Colorado.
Heather's sister Laura

Turtles In Northern Florida said...

I have given you an award. You can stop by my blog and check it out.

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