Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fingerless Gloves

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, 
but in rising up every time we fail.
- Ralph Waldo

 G found pinterest. This is trouble. God bless my flat ass right? Rut Ro.... I found a pair of fingerless gloves that I am daydreaming about! Now a year ago, I would never ave worn these. Now I dont know ow I braved the chilly days and nights without them. On the beach they rock too! I can quilt, unquilt, anything! So.... why I am telling you this. all of my fingerless gloves are terribly ugly! Incredibly ghetto! I need girly gloves dear peoples! Wait! I will go show you....scuse the mess around me as I am blogging before sleeping this time! IN MY UGLO GLOVES MIND YOU! Then you will see the ones I NEED!


Marilyn said...

Yours look better than mine, I just cut the
fingers off old gloves. Maybe you could knit
yourself a pair of those pink pearly ones.
Just a thought........

Love Ya

Anonymous said...

Geez Woman, you really need a MOntreal trip, the stores are full of winter stuff on sale now cause Spring is around the corner.
Costco has Summer furniture already.

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