Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday= Beachday

I just couldnt take it any longer and loaded up the firewood, the dog and the wine and sat my butt on the beach for the day! night! It was wonderful, relaxing, and much needed. If i could figure out a wzy to write out there I think it would be near perfect! alas....two missing laptops will not allow me to. I had a great time anyway talking to families and walking Ginny. My fire was none to shabby either! I did have a rough time leaving mind you. I guess i played the car radio so long that it killed my battery. Thank goodness a helpful man came to my rescue. I was scared... pissed...and scared. I am so sick of being scared. We made it home safely and gin and I tucked in bed with sand in places we wont discuss. I think thta we should make this a Sunday event. Explore beaches...yep...good plan.

78 degrees and glorious on the beach today!

"Action is the antidote to despair."
– Joan Baez


Anonymous said...

Just what the Dr Ordered. Looks so nice and warm, we are getting a high of 1 deg today.
Good for you G.
LU, B.

Marilyn said...

What a gorgeous site...I'm jealous. I think I
would make that a daily event if I could
and not even wait for Sunday. You certainly
deserve it.


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