Wednesday, July 13, 2011


"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces,
 never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again."

I think Mr. Wizard must have written that. Or Heather. Not a clue. But I do it daily.

You peoples dream much? I am a dreamer. Literally. Good, bad, ugly, funny, wierd, I dream. I dream about quilts, patterns, ideas. I dream about homes and everything in them. I dream about baby grands and smiles.
I also dream unspeakable monster dreams. Lately, I've been trying to analyse when which ones occur, so that I may manipulate them accordingly. I fail miserably. Try as I may I cannot force myself to have the dreams that I enjoy. It escapes me. I'll try harder. I wish to dream what I love, and love what I dream.Click.

I'm still working on my friends Christmas quilt. I cannot for the life of me figure out why oil is getting onto my thread as it goes through the hook race. Its maddening. White thread, white fabric, black crud. ACKKKK. Its making this a not so fun project. What could be wrong? We timed it last week ( the machine) and ever since, the oil is appearing every so often, and then you KNOW what must happen next right? Frogging!!! Grunt.
I must get Aviana's quilt finished and this one just wont go away! lol Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes, you're the bug. This week, I am a pretty Narley Bug.
Anyway, so that I dont take yall with me, have a great hump day, and I'll see ya when I see ya:)

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