Thursday, March 5, 2009 & Morning Madness

Have you joined yet?I wonder here on my lunch break! Good stuff! Lotsa inspiration to get your creative juices flowing! I think I used to have the link, lost it, re found it! ( tuff 2Bme) Check it out:)

I'm feeling stronger today,either that or I'm once again in denial today... who knows... Just roll with it. Even though I didnt win the 216 Mega Million that I thought I would, I just read the story and it was a wonderful feeling for the 10 people who did win it!I can just imagine thier feelings today too.. I have em all the time:::wink:::Next week............

I need help. I need a packer, mover, a hell of a lot more than a list I tell ya! I just wanted to scream that before I jump up and move my ass this morning. I tried to get Blima over under the guise of "snowbirding", didnt work. I called H, she is as swamped as I am! I tested out Karen, she laughed at me siting her nursing school and my Grands. I spoke with my son in Idaho, didnt dare mention how he should drive down here and help his Mommy. Tried Sis... she delightfully explained her upcoming trip to Disneyland. GRUNT. Next up.... lunchtime today, BA!! ( hope she doesnt read this before) I just know theres an Ethel out there... what you think? Can I do it? Sure I can, given enough time. ::think positively::

Idol was fun last night yes? I enjoy the whole "wild card" thing. Now tell me... who among us DIDNT think that that dingy Tatiana wouldn't be asked to come back? RATINGS PEOPLE RATINGS!!!
What a nice time to bind a quilt, smile and laugh and give my mind a resting spot for a short time. Thanks Idol.
Coffee chat was good, Wish you could chat back? I'm off to work. one job or the other:)
And then... before I left, I bought myself a lil somepin::::SQUEAL::: (4 work u know)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, man! They have one in zebra print! I might be in big trouble!

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