Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine Excercise One Of Two

UPDATED: I got an A on this one!

Dear G,
Could you even be a hotter mess at times? I skip daily just to meet you. To greet you. Give the two of us time to heal.An impatient little Minx, you are a special love, with much to offer. Don't give up. You are worth the journey that must be travelled. Forever will find you. I'm happy that you haven't locked the door. You are so good at this, your rewards will surely come. With every laugh and story to tell, you are a love to be cherished. Many feel that you are their home away from home. Enjoy this. The sheltered girl in a Woman's body will find the old soul for the continued protection of the two.Thank you for protecting the two of us. I love your circle, it keeps us safe. I appreciate your deep seeded beliefs, and your ability to "know". I do love you so. You satisfy the need in me by keeping this fire going. For that, my everlasting devotion is only to you. Please remember that even though it may burn out of control at times, and you think I may be dowsed, fear not. I am only catching a Gina breath. I burn for you forever, as you are the universe at its finest moment.
 Love your Guts, Your own Heart

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