Prayer When Ya Need It, & Even When Ya Don't!
Directly after this prayer is always cited Eleanor I dunno why? Its hard to be me?
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I met a fellow quilter today who knew me!!! How cool is THAT??? I was sitting in the hair stylists chair telling him about my job at the Inn, and my passion at the Inn, (quilting) and he says to me, oh! Right behind you in my daughters chair is another longarmer. I peeked in the mirror at the woman behind me and she gave a giggle saying, I THINK I KNOW YOU! Yep yep yep.. she knew deargina,,, whoda thunk? An instantly, I felt like I met a friend.:::finally eh:::
Her name is Loris and she drives an A1 here in Cambria. ( sounds so industrial huh?)
Well, I am just tickled and hope we can meet soon for some quilt chat and a cuppa. Know what else? She has a blog!!!! Go visit her, its on the right, Loris.::::::Waving:::::
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Labels: Marvelous Mondays, Quilt Speak
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My desk tops up my desk tops up!! Sounds simple, but when I depend on the yahoo dinger and the music files, its pretty darned remarkable! Walt and I were once again multitasking yesterday at a high rate of speed. We got the shop further along, the desk top up, and all keys all these doors changed and tagged. WOW! We got up this morning, 6:00 am, coffee in hand, looking around as if to silently say, "whoa.... progress!"
Rudy is working on our nerves with his constant contact calls. He doesnt even like it eat alone. Poor thing wants to be hauled around, see the sights, be with his humans. We are just so busy these days. I tell him it will all calm down soon. I dunno who Im trying to convince, me or him.
I have been speaking to my son alot lately too. How I only wish that he would talk back. For some reason many snapshots are coming to mind when I least expect it. Things I didnt remember, or even realize about those first few days, weeks, months after we lost him. It startles me so, scares me, and again I begin to relive and must clic channels repeatedly. Things that people did, said... I guess I had it blocked? I keep thinking its been long enough. Come home now Jamie, I cant go another week without seeing you. But its just not going to happen, and frankly I dont know how I'll ever survive, but I do. I miss him so much. We all do. Battling the mind eh...Clic.
I shall wish you all a happy Friday as I must go and finsih up breakfast for our guests. Thankfully they asked for a "late"
On the Menu today( since I do remember foodie fridays:) is fresh fruit parfait( black, straw, blueberries and bananas) with vanila yogurt and granola, Maple smoked bacon strips, red potatos with chopped red pepper and onions. Scrambled eggs with fresh Pico de Gallo on the side, and those danged ole Abelskivers. ( psstttt I dont like em much, but everyone else seems to) Swing by, wanna bite?
Love yer guts!
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Or are you people having a difficult time with American Idol voting? What talent this season huh???I have my fingers on the texter, and really have a tough time deciding!( I have been loyal to Danny, however) Having said that, I am truly amazed at the voices coming out of the Season 8 box!!!
I have been retiring early lately, due to some health issues, so I can sit in bed and whine or yell all that I want to. READ: throw shoes high at TV. What? Purely cheap entertainment, and it keeps me off the streets right? Not sure I like the new Judge Kara, but Im keeping my eye on her. I sure hope I never hear crappy things about Simon, cause he really amuses me.
About the health issues. I'm kind of scared, so I finally made a doctor appt. Sure enough, as suspected, he has me running all over town testing things. GRUNT. This, I tell you, scares me even more.When I have a prognosis, I'll report. I think. Unless I have myself dead and buried, then in that case, refer to Walt.
I am currently trudging through boxes over here. The studio is about...shall we say.... HALF up and running. Walt and I are scratching things to make everything fit. Me thinks we need a Ebayathon for stash fabrics, then start all over again woohoo!Greta Gammil is back on the table in her new home, clean and shined whispering to me:) The pegboards are up, but we cant find even half of the thread boxes! The TV is up, and so is the customer shelving/closets/ oh! and the stencil pole thingy is hung. We cant find room for the ironing board or Rudy. This caused us both to stop scratching, leave the room and empty boxes elsewhere. I really would take pictures, but then YOU may run out of the room screaming! Soon, very soon I will have the machine purring like a kitten while Fergie blasts the room, and somethings in the oven! Soon...very soon. Chat soon dear blog readers:)
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How many by a show of hands thinks she needs an underwear day?
We enjoyed what little time that we had with Karen Art & Aviana, in between building things, unpacking things, and hunting eggs?Avi told me our house was too big to do
Its just amazing what we got done, really.
Poor Walt didnt fair so well with a trip to the hospital for slicing his forefinger while hurriedly opening boxes. ( watch out for those box cutters people!!) He will be fine, but he did 12 stitches worth of damage and had to have a tetenus shot. READ: painful. Avi, we decided needs piano lessons as she seems so natural at it. ( see pic below) We had a very nice dinner and our in house guests didnt even mind the bog blue bunny in the dining room at all? LOL
I'm so grateful for thier short visit that it was all I could do to keep myself from dragging them back into the house against thier will. Theres not a lot of rest for Karen in the nursing program for 5 more months. I'm so very proud of her. ( btw, came in handy with Walt bleeding all over too)
I am a bit blurry this morning, but on the attack list. Happy Marvelous Monday to all, and chat soon:)
M & M's:
That Walts wound was not worse!!
Karen & Arts help (come back Shane.....)
Aviana , heart food for me
Jakes call
Wine sales!!
Those darn robins eggs malt ball candies... darn it!!!
the found remote control!
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Not sure, its a big blurr right about now. Walt and I are truly over spent. We take turns whining, with a smile, of course. His thumbs, my hips. His feet, my bwain.
Psst... come mere...... ::::this is a hellofa lotta work!!::::
If not, I would say how fun it is. Right now I'm tired? It will come round, I'm sure. We have met some very interesting people I tell ya. Thats so cool. I just love that part. Walt has his spring vacation coming up so I think we will get a better handle on the "MOVE" next week. My studio needs attention asap as I have customers in there too! I really didnt expect so many guests right out of the gate you know? I hope to have some of our own here for Easter. I sure miss them. I put about a dozen calls on my to do list today. So far, Ma is the only one I have made. She asked me if I disowned her....dang it. I just need to hear their voices. Ok, and I need a nap. I hope all of you are doing well, and maybe missing my posts a little too? I have had no time to hit my own blogs. I think I better put them on a list somewhere to. Happy hump day to ya, I think?
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My foot, spring break. Gemme a break. Walt doesnt break until Friday, but that means nothing when he will have 9 days to accomplish all of this! I sort of thought that we would have a week or so before the guests would begin arriving during week days. NOT. I forgot about Easter vacations and teachers on holiday!!!! So...upon check in, I ask, " Are you a teacher?" The answers are coming in one after the other, YEP. So yes indeed, all of this week, I am cooking, Innkeepering, and unpacking boxes. Oh! Re packing boxes too, for cold storage. I sure wish that one of my kids were here to help me too dang it. I spoke with Jake last night and it made me so sad. I unpacked a box of old letters written by me( cause writing is what I do a lot of) and many of the letters were about Jamie. I hadnt seen them in years. In one letter he was only 16 and I was bragging about how he was so responsible and wanted to take care of me and didnt know how to. My heart is truly broken. I can only hope that someday it can be mended enough to smile about those days.
Where was I? Ah yes.. Spring break I hope to see Karen and the kids at least. I have a HUGE list of things to help with. I wonder if she will make me breakfast? Come onnnnn Karen! I suppose I better get to all of these dishes again. I swear my nails are toast! ::no pun intended::
Have a good week, Happy Passover, Palm Sunday, and Easter shopping week!( dang I need to go shopping)
M & M's include:
*Understanding guests at the Inn!
* Blimas recipe for Latkes!
*this "haul around" laptop
*fresh fruits n veggies, all year!
* My new bed...ahhhhh
*Prilosec, yep... Prilosec
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Labels: Marvelous Mondays
Walt is a prankster I tell you. Here's how it went down............
Its a ROCK!!! He is ignoring my hollering, probobly doing a dick dasterdly snicker in a corner somewhere!
Large child.
I'm thinkin 12 ish.
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It's nearly impossible to believe how time is whizzing past us these days, but yes...yes it has been a year since Emily arrived. Truly an unforgetable year. Happy Birthday Emi! Hope to see you soon!
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"I Thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. I thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name. All I have are memories and a picture in a frame. Your memory is a keepsake, with which I'll never part. God has you in His keeping, My Son, my Mom, forever in my heart."