Friday, April 30, 2010

Do You Live On Purpose?

"Great minds have purposes, little minds have wishes."

I'm handing you this heart, on purpose, via Aviana and Moomp Photography!
Good mornin`! How's your cuppa? I woke up reminding myself to do what I do on purpose. Not just absent mindedly or wishfully. I enjoy walking on purpose. Theres a differance you know. A differance between a liesurely walk, and a definate walk to a destination. ( you can read that metaphorically as well as literally)
When I buy a lottery ticket, I do it with not a wish, but a plan! LOL What? How many times must I tell you that we must drive to the dream not just dream? Hang on, I need more jabber juice...........

 You peoples doing the NO PHONE thingy today? You know.. the OPRAH factor strikes again. I think the whole cell phone (text) craze is a national epidemic. Here in California I observe that the law is much like the Marijuana ban. NO ONE LISTENS! Even I am guilty of yelling at my knee occasionally! (cell in car, on knee, how flipping distracting is that?) Bad girl.

I am finally on the home stretch of the Double Wedding Ring Nightmare. I cannot believe how difficult this baby has been. I'm actually excited about the next up on the design wall! (the stand and stare stage). I think I have to bind this one, so there goes the weekend eh?
We have company coming too! Julie & Emily are on their way and Pappa is on the case! The treasure chest is re-stocked, and he has plans to love up on her all that he can.
I better get to it! I am 3 minutes behind schedule! ( 8:03). To the List!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Great Ponder food while quilting eh? Well... right now I am breaking for lunch . I have broccoli slaw with tuna on top. Its delish! There see... I Twitter'd ya! LOL  I bought a California Combo and took this picture this morning... I floated out of the 7-11 with my imagination going wild with possibilities! My Eurpean Home /work where I live and LIVE where I work would be built first! Can u see those Gammils lined up over there? I can... and humming! What fantastic retreats huh! Wow!Ya cant win if you don't play!::: It COULD happen::: I shall stop yakking and go put in a positive thinking audio book! Maybe I will do a subliminal one! WOOHOO!

Visit A Fellow Quilter Today!

My good friend in Niagara On The Lake, Canada has finally dived into blog land with all the news of her second Longarm Machine Quilting/training location! (Whoa, what a long one!)
She was my very first teacher in a line of MANY when I began this journey. She is now teaching to other longarmers, even in Africa! You can also click on her FOLLOW ME button to have a notification of a new post. :::: Speaking of.... Click on mine and follow my reads too!!!::::( over on the right, half way down)
Please pop in to say Hi to Jane at Janes In Stitches Two

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Savannah, African Exotic Cat

Should fit right I may put it on my list. Hmmm Mother's Day= Newborn? Hmmmmm
The Savannah Boasts intelligence, dog like qualities. They come from Rudy's homeland. They are a hybrid of the Servil exotic. Leash walkers, short haired. Just sayin`?

Read more:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Just A Buncha Morning Cobwebs

Mornin`. I spoke too soon. More stupid rain is coming. We dropped 20 degrees overnight. Did I transplant this time to Oregon? MERCY!! ENOUGH!!

Lets see... Wake up. WOW. I feel asleep 10 minutes before the ENDING of 24 and I dont know WTH happened!(this is my wake up ponder). Moving right along listening intently to the morning news, congratulations to Maldonado for appointment to L Gov finally.
I find myself with no blogabout this morning? Hows that happen? Maybe this DWR quilt has me in a knot because I can think of little else these days. Ok, thats so not true as I have about 50 things RUNNING through my head as I type! I think I need a hammock swing meditation, 10 minutes should do it! Either that or make a Dean Martin Playlist and go to work. You peoples like Deano? I do too. I love so many genres of music that my tastes cannot be defined. Its all about the MOOD!! Much like waking up to needing a warm tortilla with butter, sometimes I need the rat pack, or Wayne Newton, even Englebert Humperdink! I think it has a great deal to do with needing my Mama to tell you the truth. I kinda know where to find her spirit.  Sometimes cooking, sometimes sewing, and yep, sometimes belting out Red Roses For A Blue Lady will do the trick in a heartbeat. I wish I could say the same when I try to hunt down some time with James. When I do, it will be a glorious day indeed.  Whoa.... clic
So I had my monthly fun of sending out packages last week. I have heard from a few recipients and it really gives me a tickle. It isnt really a big deal, but its what I like to do. I got my sis the CUTEST pair of salad tongs in the shape of a Giraffee at the quilt show, and I know she will squeel like a pig when she sees them. I wonder what the postal guy thinks when I show up with a buncha lil packages all the time....LOL
What you peoples making for dinner tonight? I need to stick my head in the freezer and find something calling me. OH! I know! I feel like FRESH::::::moving over to growing list::::: I will pick up some scallops and thrill myself tonight! I love those little butterballs! ( I know u are totally rethinking WHY you popped in this morning eh?) ROFL... This unfortunatly is HOW I wake up! THIS is why I cannot put all the chapters together to form a real book to publish because basically I am all over the map simply chatting with readers! I DO have a novel, 7 whole chapters, cant seem to get back to that. Someday....right after all the UFO's, cookbooks, everything on the bucket, now I am really anxious! I better go to work! Have a great Tuesday, maybe I'll be back at Iced Tea 30.....grunt.
PS: I want some new make up, wanna go shopping?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy 80 Degrees FINALLY!!! Marvelous Monday's!

A beautiful sunny weekend with NO RAIN! yehhhhh
I did manage to take off to enjoy it a few hours each day. On Saturday to the 7 sisters quilt show, on Sunday to a taste of Pismo at the Dinosaur caves. All the rest of the time I was attached here in the "say no to frogging" zone. The quilt show held now at the Madonna Inn was okay. The company better than the show actually. Its geared for piecers and after the big shows, for me, its just ok. I did find a very cool over priced cobblers apron, so I bought it. GRUNT. My bib style (longarmed and dangerous) is pulling at my neck causing strain so I will try this way. I absolutley LOVE my pockets! Its amazing what crap I can carry around from room to room, and its all needed!
The taste of Pismo was short & sweet. Patrons got to sample foods and wines from the best restaurants in Pismo. I tasted a divine chowder made with sherry, which is far differant than any others. I will be visiting the Cracked Crab soon!
My week past uneventful. I had a run in with my stove delivery, and a quilt.I hate frogging. I cant find any Mag Eyes either. I guess I will order online, now that the NEED isnt there anymore. (I wonder what my othomologists would say about that!)
I must admit a biggo part of me wanted to be at the Asparagus festival with Karen & the kids. I love asparagus!:::hint hint, send a crate kids!:::: ( I'll make u somepin?) I wonder WHY it has an ODOR when it leaves the body? ( dumb stuff I ponder)

Is this just the best swoon in the world that there COULD be?

We also had DVR & HD installed and Walt and I had fun playing with the TV. 4 movies in, and a lot of remoting to watch the HD differance. Live tv rewind is fun!
::cheap entertainment says I:::
I'm off to work and hopefully make serious progress. I think I might like Mondays afterall.

Marvelous Mondays Include:

*Safe travel for friends returning home
*Craigs list!
* The company of friends at quilt shows and luncheons
*3 pieces of machinery NOT DIEING on me yet! ( laptop, washer, start/stop switch
* My hammock swing chair to ponder in
*The sound system in my shop. WOW do I love it!
*Asparagus, any ole` way ya cook it!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pretty Petunia's!

And an African daisy in the On our side yard, we have lift off! Now mind you, the flowers arent even the story!
In the middle of caring for Mom, end of days', my sis says.. hey! I have a couple coupons to use at my favorite nursery, lets go snoop! ( this was on the way to the catering appointment!) I thought she was nuts, but soon learned she was acting on an impulse that served the both of us well. Now understand that she and I are of the mindset of empending doom. We are tired, sad, confused and downright overtaxed as a team. (I thank God we were a "team"). Just 2 days prior we nearly bought Mom a Chihuahua! ( no kidding!) We walked the nursery aimlessly looking up. From isle to isle we found each others eyes, both pair glossed over with tears. Kelly shared what a rough winter it had been on all fronts. I concoured, and added a year. Her back yard took a beating killing several plants as well as pots. Four huge urns were even over turned by the high winds. For this reason she decided that her coupons should help replace hanging baskets at least. I then had a mission.. some direction. I found 2 beautiful verde metal hangers with a patina of gold flecks. ( I personally swooned over them) I showed them to my sis and eyes lit up as she exclaimed "Wrap em up!" We made it to the check out, 2 giant baskets in tow and I wish there had been three. I told her so too. We chatted with the clerk about our day, our Mom, and the unique baskets. Upon hearing that we had wished there were three, the clerk disappeared under the counter and popped up with number 3 for G!  For ONLY 5 DOLLARS! ( Walt reads my blog, play along) We marched out of the nursery, recharged and deliriously thrilled with our finds. On the way to the caterer we discussed what was to be planted in Moms honor in each of our patios. Which gave me the idea for what was to eventually come next. I found and bought ( I think I told you?) Three cherry trees to plant for Mom. One for Sis, my daughter, and myself. Those cherry trees have pretty little new blooms on them too, and Mom, I am sure is smiling on us all whispering, "Good job Buttercups".
In hindsight, my sisters CRAZY, WIERD,WHAT ARE U THINKING idea to stop at a nursery was pretty dog gone brilliant. ( I really cant say the same for the Macy's stop).

Friday, April 23, 2010

Post A Prayer

I decided to put my desktop, and Mister prayer parrot on my sidebar. Just in case I forget to post in either ( beak or blog). I toyed with the whole adsense on sidebar and opted for serving in a different way.  I think it will get more facetime than adsense myself.  I am in hopes to update the beak entry of the day, (prayer, not pic) but you know how consistant I am not...:::insert frown:::
I am also working on my book ( s). I have started a new vision board, and first on that board is to get published! I finished listening/reading both books here in the shop. Living the laws of attraction, and  A purpose driven life. WOW, Way to juice YERSELF GEE!!! If I stick in a positive book each week there would be no stopping me right? LOL. It's so difficult to be me... really. But hey... ya gotta gemme an E for EFFORT right? Next book in the stereo is True Colors by Kristen Hannah. A fiction about sisters... we shall see. I have a long list to get to today, so thats it for now.. Have a great day Dear Blog Readers...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wine Reduction

"True silence is the rest of the mind;
it is to the spirit what sleep is to the body,
nourishment and refreshment."
William Penn

I wonder sometimes how to give my mind a glass of wine. Just one little chill out, one sip of Ahhhhh. I have seriously cut back on this guilty pleasure, for weight reduction but most importantly for this. I am trying to make a new habit of taking myself to that SAME restful spot through meditation and prayer. Today I am scratching things and saying, "hows that workin` for ya girl?". Well.....I have made it through the DWR stress week. I made it through 3 count em 3 new range deliveries, ( ALL WRONG).
Here's the bottom line. I dont care WHAT habit you have, its HARD to break it if its old and comfortable! ( & ya like it a lot). I figured out nearly to the day just how long I have drank a glass of wine ALMOST daily. ( i say almost because there have been sick days, underwear days, drive days...etc) For the most part, ALMOST daily since 1998!! The year I fell, remember? Before that, it was on a social occasion only that I had this guilty pleasure. I feel it nessesary to tell you that I was a size 8 at that time.
Now I have justified this pleasure with all that I know, and in fact, I still will. You can drink the one a day just as the doctors tell you to. That its healhty for you. My doctor tells me it aids in blood pressure reduction. IF you also do not mind the poundage that sneaks up on you every single year until you feel like the goodyear blimp! In fact, if you love to cook while drinking said glass, you need to expect to gain double the amount if not more.  While pondering all of these facts all that I can say is..... SHIT! ( no wonder Rudy says it eh?) So I have resolved myself to the fact that in order to be one with the universe, reduce wine weight, and break one of MANY habits that I own, I will have my guilty pleasure UNguiltily, only once in awhile. SHIT. For now I shall rely on quiet meditation, building skills to rest my mind without the help of my favorite past time.
Weight watchers tells me its 2 points. I wonder how many points while drinking with making the perfect Marsala sauce? I miss size 8. I was a clothes horse as opposed to a shoe horse. I was much cuter. I had more energy than my friend Vitamin D. I want it all back before I kick the bucket. I want it back without going through, or putting my loved ones through ANY form of weight loss surgery. I think that I have tried EVERYTHING, but this.
Dear Blog Readers, if I get out of line, just remind me to have some wine. Its your job.
PS: I WILL still cook with said wine, cannot deal without it!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Paying For Luggage On Flights

Here's my idea, cause I think they got it all wrong.

8 bucks for a pillow?
9-11 bucks for a snack?
15 for a checked bag, 25 for 2?
 now they want money for carry on bags?
 Thier reasoning is make the plane lighter and get to your destination faster. heheheheheh pardon me while I snicker. Wrong I tell you, WRONG.
If they would just stop all of these add on charges and JUST charge me for the convienience of carry on bags, I COULD understand.
Carry ons may be easy for you, but I contend they are a pita to everyone else. They hold up the process of loading and disembarking the plane.
They do indeed weigh the plane down.
They may or may not have contriban onboard, easily accessable.
Anything other than a laptop size and they are cumbersome and just piss me off! When loading the plan why dont they sound off by luggage content instead of your seat number? It doesnt matter what number you are, you walk the plank only to be stopped standing WAITING for the truffle shuffle in the isleway watching the wrestling match going on overhead. Its just not good Jetiquette peoples! You have now decided to waste my time and possible bunk me in the head with your huge bag being hucked in the air. :::Yes I have been bunked in the head::::I understand children needing a small supply bag for long flights. I understand that people dont wish to check their bags only to retrive them on the turnstyle with crowds after landing. IF the luggage did in fact arrive!
This, I'm sure will spark a great deal of controversy, but its what I think about it. The Airlines have it BACKASSWARDS.

Why yes I did sleep well thanks:) I am on my second cuppa thoughts while contimplating a drive, train travel or flight to get to Ronda's soon. This came at a handy dandy time because the news came on and helped to make my decision. Ronda? I'm driving, Top down, hair flying Mach 1 John Mayer blasting, cuppa in the holder, luggage in the trunk....Imma coming soon!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Facebook vs Blog vs Twitter Observations

Mornin`! I'm on it! I don't know what it is I'm on but I'm on it! I made a huge list and I'm on cuppa #3, so I feel chatty. I need to be out of here in the flippin rain in a little while so not a lot of time to blog. I just wanted to say that since I have been trying to be diligent about blogging and reading blogs, I have noticed that Im NOT THE ONLY one lagging due largely in part to Facebook! My usual list of reading, isnt posting much! I see that some quilters even use FB as a Twitter station too! ( what they happen to be doing at the moment). I am equally as guilty of posting on FB before blogging. These programs really are different though. BLOG vs FB, vs Twitter...etc....I finally stopped trying to Twitter my life away. I do like FB, and of course the blogs. I like to be "In Touch", just not as "in touch" as tweeting all the time. I have decided that FB keeps me connected, and blogs feed me ( including my own). If I need a tweet, I'll speak to Sir Rudy about it. He tweets enough for the State of California!
I have a bit of bad news on the quilting front. I reloaded the DWR and fought with the backing for 2 hours with Walt on one end and me on the other, clamps inbetween and we both decided that it had to come off again, and frog the last ( first) row too. Yes, I cried. But hey... I'm so used to crying that I can just do it while living, notta problem. We unzipped the 103 inch beast and looked at each other, both of us in total shock of the work ahead ( again). I brought her into the living room so that I wouldnt miss HOUSE and 24. While I turned the end table into a sewing station, Walt was on Craigslist .. I asked what he was doing and he said, and I qoute " I am looking in the want ads for a lady to come in and help frog for 8 hours". :::shaking my head again::::
I am certain there is a lesson to be learned here somewhere. I will ponder this while nipping, not tucking. Grunt.
I'm off to quilt shops to make my rounds and have a much deserved lunch with a fellow Quilting friend. I shall return to frog another time:)
PS: I couldnt frog during 24... I was WAY too nervous and Jack surely would have caused a RIP. Dang it Jack!

'Whenever you get into a jam, whenever you get into a crisis or an emergency…become the calmest person in the room and you'll be able to figure your way out of it.'"

– Rudolph Giuliani

Monday, April 19, 2010

Marvelous Monday, Begin Again!

                                                  A fun easy read while on a short "save the legs" break.

The Woman who wrote this has such a sweet spirit. I think it so cool to be able to say that. Pick that out. I get quite a tickle to come across a person that I can KNOW this immedietley about them. I wonder if ever someone will say this about me. I shall strive for this, me thinks. My Sis, Kelly = sweet spirit.  You KNOW this, upon meeting her. Me? I dont think sweet would best descibe me...LOL, My Mom? Nope... sweet n sour maybe. I miss my Mom. I wonder if she is an angel for me. I wonder if Munz is. enuf of that!
How are ya? I had a frogging weekend Im sure you know! I am reloading her today, everyone pray. I still contend that this fabric is wonky, ( fat back for a king) I hate clamping it all over to keep it straight, but this load gets the full treatment for sure! I cannot invest another week of ripping. Besides, I am itching to move on now. Not sure if the inspiration is coming from MQX, MQS shows, but I want to quilt as opposed to cook, and THATS a good thing! So I'm off! With an attitude of gratitude, make it a good day:)
PS: I cant wait for Robin Hood OR, RUSSELL CROWEEEEEEEE ( sorry, had to squeel)

* Good reads (and listens)
*new phone! eliminate ONE aggravation
*no accidents while frogging
*Costco Rotissere chicken! Man what u can do with 5 bucks!
*the ability to pretend
*Kid calls:)
* a laptop nearby for laziness:)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

YUMMY Banana Macadamia Nut Pancakes YUMMY

Ever have a FF on a Sunday? Ya have now!
Inspired by Heathers Hawaiian vacation, she made me hungry for these. Now I REALLY had the urge to add shredded coconut to this, unfortunatley, my freezer was missing it. (next week). I should have put this on the menu for my guests at the B & B!!
Karen, you have to try these for the kids.. seriously yummy!

Banana Macadamia Nut Pancakes
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/8 teaspoon salt

1 -1/2 cups (shaken) buttermilk

3 tablespoons butter, melted

2 large eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 ripe banana

1/2 cup macadamia nuts (chopped )

Serve with real maple syrup

Whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl. Whisk together buttermilk, 2 tablespoons melted butter, eggs, and vanilla in a large bowl until smooth. Add flour mixture and whisk until just combined. (the more u beat the "tougher" the cake) Cut banana into bits and fold into batter along with nuts. (Batter is thick.)
Brush a 12-inch nonstick skillet with some of remaining tablespoon melted butter and heat over moderate heat until hot but not smoking. Pour 1/4 cup batter per pancake onto hot skillet and cook until bubbles appear on surface edges and undersides are golden brown. Flip pancakes and cook until golden brown and cooked through. Transfer to a large plate and cover with foil to keep warm, then make more pancakes!

Hey! Heres an idea!! Lets put a dollop of whipped cream on them, and call it dessert!!!
Well come on... IHOP can do it, so can I.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Satur-New-day/ Happy Birthday Stephanie!

And she lives to talk about it! Go figure.
With an audio book plugged in ( The purpose driven life) and a delicious new little book in hand for breaks ( Key to living the law of attraction) I frog on. For those of you people who still dont know that term it is a quilting term for HOW THE HELL COULD I HAVE MADE THAT MISTAKE ANYWAY, and have to rip it out. ( rip it-rip it)
I suppose it can be said that you cant keep a good woman down. ( for long). For those of you on this emotional roller coaster with heartfelt sympathy and/or gratefullness.
Now, onto Saturday.........................................................................................................................

Happy Birthday to Stephanie! I miss them so much sometimes! It hits me and I just say ..."Idaho????" and move on. Hope you have a great day Steph! I couldnt find any recent pictures alone, so we have a group shot here! Stephanie, Moi` Karen, Julie...

When will I be finished de-stitching this beast of a double wedding ring? Oh I hope by tonight! hope hope. I really wanted to get to Costco today as I need a new phone system. Rid myself of one aggravation in life.
I cant wait to get back to quilting this as it was MOST fun screwing it up in the first place! I truly am missing the trip to the East coast shows this year. They provide so much inspiration and commoraderee ( spck). I am living vicariously through my friends there, and on Facebook. GRUNT.
I am also watching Heather in Hawaii ( hey new chapter!) and wondering if I will EVER be able to go again. I am listening to Rudys new repetoire of "hey! How are ya, I love ya! wanna bite?" So misleading eh? lol One never knows with him if he actually wants a bite, or wants TO BITE. I finally moved his tree into the shop to spend time with me. Its very cute to hear him say "Mama Sew". Not so cute to hear him call me a "dumbass".  Which by last evening I was tired and sore, eyes teary from strain, and I just wanted to throw him in the cook pot. I'm telling you this bird absolutley KNOWS stuff!. It is very uncanny how he can read my moods, (or screw ups) and speak accordingly to them. Right now, Im in a good mood, having a second cuppa on the side patio, and he is next to me going through all of his songs trying to get some "good boyz" out of me! ( I am ignoring him).
I tried to do a new youtube of him but he saw the camera and started tweeting like a bird. ( birds cant talk is what he really means). dang bird. I put the camera away, and he begins his best impressions of Walt.
Hey do you want to see a really cute new picture that was in my email this morning? huhuhuhuh?

So I should get back to frogalot ya think? okay. Have a nice week end.. I want to be out here in the vitamin D land!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

This Quilter Misses Jamie, Did I mention That?

I saw his picture on Karens fridge. I WANTED him there at Avi's birthday party. I remembered the Paulbearers at Moms funeral, He was missing. He will be missing from all things. Its a peculiar feeling. I smile to see his image, and even his face inside my Son Jake....but an immediate pain takes over. I try to brush it aside, and it remains. IF he is here with me, why does it cause such heartache? I open my sewing machine, there is his little 9 year old face loving his Mama. When I sit to watch TV his goofy braces smile is playing the piano over there JUST for me. I made Clam Chowder and I SWEAR I heard him say that its better than spaghetti. Songs, poems, qoutes, stories are written about these things. Your loved ones blowing in a breeze, the scent of a favorite flower. What if its just a coping mechanismn?
I know... WHYYYYYY THIS post? IMMA bout to tell you.Its about discoveries.
 Its about quilting! Yep... its about quilting.
Two years have passed my friends, and my life as you know has changed greatly. So has my quilting business. I've been frogging. Frogging for days!Yep, and that means pondering. You know the drill. MAYBE the reason for the quilting isnt JUST because of the moving around so much. MAYBE its me. Maybe I am not ABLE to change the grief channels so quickly when I'm alone in what used to be my happy place for hours on end?Isnt it ironic? I asked Walt to move the guest room television in here for me so that I could try that. A babysitter? I have used Rudy, Audio books, news talk radio, all of my music files...and still I feel like LEAPING out of my skin. VERY unusual for me. So I decided to talk about it. I actually feel like talking to HIM about it. So I am doing both. I really would rather be at MQX feeding my quilter side and inspire me, but instead I am here still picking up broken pieces trying to find normal. Wow... I think I need a better plan as this one isnt cutting the mustard now is it? ( who the heck made that saying up? its kinda goofy)
Today I will be listening to A Purpose Driven Life on Audio book. I have it in print and just never got around to it. Ever since Audio books it seems to be a why bother? James had my tech tickle gene. Anything techy and new he HAD to have and disect. He also had his Mom's anxiousness. I really think that I need to dig out his tee shirts and make some quilts. Maybe THAT would help.I truly have not been able to touch them or pictures, or thank you notes! I feel bad for not sending them in a timely manner, but I begin and literally RUN away.  Now I have Mom's thank yous to get out too! For my laziness, I am sorry. Maybe soon. Maybe its what I need for closure. It would seem that I have done everything BUT deal with myself regarding James. And Mom.
 There sure are a great many "maybes" in my brain today eh? A great many stitches to break too. I should go back to it. I suppose I should be thankful that none of the backfill has been done before I saw the SNAFU eh?
I'll be pondering over there should you come up with an epiphanies regarding my

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas?

Yes, Blima CAN belly dance!
While Morrocan food is good, and so is the entertainment, I dont like thier furniture. I think it may have been made for dwarfs. Dwarfs who do not use cutlery. Whats the deal with that? Sushi, I understand... this... hmmmmm

                                               Yes, Walt found a Caberet Queen on the old Strip. We HAD the Fremont Experiance. I spent all of my time trying to find the Rat Pack.  grunt.
And yes, I have been known to chase down a WeinerMobile or 2. I wanted to see the driver!!Do you suppose there is a potty in here? A bed? A hot dog cooker? Is it a modified Airstream RV unit? Things to ponder on Hwy 58.
In fact, I want to be a driver! When I was a kid I would follow this rig on the TV commercials hoping with all of my might that it would come to my city! ( kinda reminds me of that red rider bee bee gun kid...Ralphy!)  ::;;jotting down on bucket list:::

And I want one of these to ride on too.

Aint she cute? Blima, NOT the Alpaca... ok.... shes cute too...

And you can bet your sweet bippy that i will never wear ZEBRA again!

Now here's the shot of the day! LOL

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy 5th Birthday Aviana!

And then theres MOMMY who cant resist playing with Aviana
s new Plasma car ! LOL Hysterical Karen...really:)

Our wild child had a party theme of the same! WILD CHILD! She had a blast and when asked for her "best part" , twice she exclaimed, THE CAKE!! I kinda thought it was the dress below...snicker:)
Even though I'm a very tired Nonni with late quilts... I am happy that I got to be with her for her party. Today she is officially 5, and I swear I dont know how the years passed by so fast. I think I will blink and she will be grown. tsk tsk tsk....


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Loading Or Unloading?

I had to run over here just to say this! One custom loaded and giving me SHEET... one on the design wall due for Mid state fair entry.. one quilt in que DUE Friday double wedding ring for rehearsal dinner and Mother of the groom is just as stressed as I am! I wish to be at MQX with Ronda, and Im so tired from all the driving that my body throbs! There are dishes stacked to there, and I need more coffee, so I ATE COOKIES!!!
PHEW... Wheres my Snippers?

Monday, April 12, 2010

M&M Happy End Of Spring Break!

With one of the fastest weeks in the history of fast weeks........... I made it! WE made it. Just after a whirlwind rendevous with Blima and Mike in Las Vegas, I made a mad dash to the valley for Aviana's 5th birthday party:) The bonus was Jake came too! I got home yesterday late afternoon and fell INTO THE SOFA.
We met up with a foodie friend Barb and her family too. I hadnt seen her in a few years so it was a real treat! I wanted so much to bring Blima home with me, but it will have to wait again. The time we shared was not enough, but wonderful. I decided that we have a good deal more fun without the men in tow:) ( not rocket science eh?)
We saw 4 shows in as may days. All of them diffrent TYES of shows, all exciting and great! I am so happy that we spent the extra for the nearly front row seating. We saw Cirq de soiel, LOVE Beatles revolution, ( Walts fav), Lion King, Jersey Boys, and Terry Fator. A lucky girl am I. FOUR!!!! FOUR OF THEM!!!
I have a mountain to climb this week in custom quilts, so I may not be around, but then again, I may need an outlet too!
I will post more pics when I can..Happy Monday everyone, Im going to work!

M & M's include:

SAFE TRAVEL with no tradgedies! ( Woohoo!!!!)
Wheel of fortune jackpots are hella fun! ( til u put it all back in)
Blima Blima Blima
Frozen foods to throw in the oven when exhausted!
great new shoes to walk LV in! ( u knew I would eh)
Quilt clients who will even meet you in route!
A great car that takes all I give her and keeps purring!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fear Is Courage That Says Prayers.

OKAY...I'm going. But I fear. So I pray. But still, I fear. Short of calling everyone I know and telling them to sit on the couch and not move a muscle until I return... I have done all that I can to stand on top of the fear and say NOTHING HORRID will happen while I'm gone.
I was just wondering if my persona was prone to post traumatic stress disorder. When I fell in 98 from the staircase... (I dont think Ive blogged about this). I developed more than the fractures themselves. I let a fear in that didnt go away for a few years. The fear of falling ( go figure) from tops of stairs. I couldnt go up... therefore I REALLY couldnt come down. THAT was some serious work getting rid of that fear I tell you!
Now dang it, I suspect its back.(in the form of tradgedy happening while Im away) Anxiety and short panic attacks, forget sleep, and I cannot focus to save my ....neck. Believe me when I say that I am fighting this every step of the way. I have mastered going to the valley...and no longer think Walt will disintegrate while I'm away. I can be home and not wring my hands worrying about family. However.. heres the big test... Walt and I gone together on holiday,which hasnt happened since we lost Jamie. No holiday-ing for us. I am my own episode of FRINGE. Grunt. Do I thow my cell phone in the trash? Call everyone and ask them to be extra careful? Yes, Hawaii flashes so many times so fast today that I cant keep up with my brain remote. So I pray. I chant the above blogabout title. Oh geez, I just remembered that the last time we met Blima and Mike MY kids called with what I thought was an April fools prank. They said "Hey Mom! We're in Lake Tahoe and had a triple wedding!" yep, we all got married!" . No way did I believe this. But it was very true. This was just before Jake left for Iraq. Not that it was a tradgedy by any means.. but a life changing event without da Mama? WTH???
Yep, I'm throwing the phone in the trash. Why is it Im not on a bunch of medications or institutionalized or something?

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Must we be Catholic to celebrate a Good Friday? Why must there be but ONE good Friday in 52? I dont think so. I celebrate Jewish holidays too. Whats wrong with that? Nuttin. I kinda get a tickle out of all these "rituals" of various religions. Last evening I watched as the community gathered for a Thursday Feet washing of the homeless. HUH? It caught my attention so I listened intently to the story.

 I pondered what if we all took our favorite rituals of each of these beliefs, and just called it a life of our own with a personal relationship with our Father...and then Love, Honor and Respect those beliefs.

I thought about Mom's take on the whole subject. She really detested the word and definition of religion. Being the inquisitive girl that I am, I studied each and every belief system that I came across. This resulted in many a finger wagging from my Mother. Altho she didnt mind or even KNOW of a few I adopted with my own brood. Family home evening being one of them. My Utah peoples taught me long before I had children of this night. I loved it and incorporated it. When Mom was around, read: Tamale Time, she loved it too. We grew up non catholic Christians without using the term religion. It worked for us. Still works.
So happy good Friday to everyone! Will you eat fish? Go to Mass?  I will be making a quilt, packing my bag, and of course pondering how to make next Friday good too. Its what I do.

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