Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pretty Petunia's!

And an African daisy in the On our side yard, we have lift off! Now mind you, the flowers arent even the story!
In the middle of caring for Mom, end of days', my sis says.. hey! I have a couple coupons to use at my favorite nursery, lets go snoop! ( this was on the way to the catering appointment!) I thought she was nuts, but soon learned she was acting on an impulse that served the both of us well. Now understand that she and I are of the mindset of empending doom. We are tired, sad, confused and downright overtaxed as a team. (I thank God we were a "team"). Just 2 days prior we nearly bought Mom a Chihuahua! ( no kidding!) We walked the nursery aimlessly looking up. From isle to isle we found each others eyes, both pair glossed over with tears. Kelly shared what a rough winter it had been on all fronts. I concoured, and added a year. Her back yard took a beating killing several plants as well as pots. Four huge urns were even over turned by the high winds. For this reason she decided that her coupons should help replace hanging baskets at least. I then had a mission.. some direction. I found 2 beautiful verde metal hangers with a patina of gold flecks. ( I personally swooned over them) I showed them to my sis and eyes lit up as she exclaimed "Wrap em up!" We made it to the check out, 2 giant baskets in tow and I wish there had been three. I told her so too. We chatted with the clerk about our day, our Mom, and the unique baskets. Upon hearing that we had wished there were three, the clerk disappeared under the counter and popped up with number 3 for G!  For ONLY 5 DOLLARS! ( Walt reads my blog, play along) We marched out of the nursery, recharged and deliriously thrilled with our finds. On the way to the caterer we discussed what was to be planted in Moms honor in each of our patios. Which gave me the idea for what was to eventually come next. I found and bought ( I think I told you?) Three cherry trees to plant for Mom. One for Sis, my daughter, and myself. Those cherry trees have pretty little new blooms on them too, and Mom, I am sure is smiling on us all whispering, "Good job Buttercups".
In hindsight, my sisters CRAZY, WIERD,WHAT ARE U THINKING idea to stop at a nursery was pretty dog gone brilliant. ( I really cant say the same for the Macy's stop).

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