Happy 80 Degrees FINALLY!!! Marvelous Monday's!
A beautiful sunny weekend with NO RAIN! yehhhhh
I did manage to take off to enjoy it a few hours each day. On Saturday to the 7 sisters quilt show, on Sunday to a taste of Pismo at the Dinosaur caves. All the rest of the time I was attached here in the "say no to frogging" zone. The quilt show held now at the Madonna Inn was okay. The company better than the show actually. Its geared for piecers and after the big shows, for me, its just ok. I did find a very cool over priced cobblers apron, so I bought it. GRUNT. My bib style (longarmed and dangerous) is pulling at my neck causing strain so I will try this way. I absolutley LOVE my pockets! Its amazing what crap I can carry around from room to room, and its all needed!
The taste of Pismo was short & sweet. Patrons got to sample foods and wines from the best restaurants in Pismo. I tasted a divine chowder made with sherry, which is far differant than any others. I will be visiting the Cracked Crab soon!
My week past uneventful. I had a run in with my stove delivery, and a quilt.I hate frogging. I cant find any Mag Eyes either. I guess I will order online, now that the NEED isnt there anymore. (I wonder what my othomologists would say about that!)
I must admit a biggo part of me wanted to be at the Asparagus festival with Karen & the kids. I love asparagus!:::hint hint, send a crate kids!:::: ( I'll make u somepin?) I wonder WHY it has an ODOR when it leaves the body? ( dumb stuff I ponder)
*Safe travel for friends returning home
*Craigs list!
* The company of friends at quilt shows and luncheons
*3 pieces of machinery NOT DIEING on me yet! ( laptop, washer, start/stop switch
* My hammock swing chair to ponder in
*The sound system in my shop. WOW do I love it!
*Asparagus, any ole` way ya cook it!
Ha!!! Tom used to laugh at me when I talked about the "exit aroma" of asparagus - until he finally noticed. The white asparagus doesn't seem to do that so much - but it didn't taste as good, either.
Oh Gina...I love your blog.....I need serious help Omg you blog on Saturdays? Amazing. xo Love your guts!
Oh Gina...I love your blog.....I need serious help Omg you blog on Saturdays? Amazing. xo Love your guts!
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