Monday, March 28, 2011

Quilter Smart Phone App /M & M's

Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
Dr. Suess

Happy Monday:) Are ya up?:::asking myself right?::: I am SO looking forward to today! Why? The sun is coming !The sun is coming! Have we had enough rain? Mud? grey, drip yuk weather? We have several HWY 1 road closures now. Just TRY to get to Monterey right? The big sink hole is not far past Cambria where Mufasa travels to daily. I hear tell that the tourist industry is already suffering greatly. I hope they can fix the road before summer!
This week end we unpacked even more in the rain.The garage got some much needed attention and we can now walk in there! I am still getting the shop in order while quilting! Its a smaller studio so storage is at a premium, and a bit difficult to figure out. Yesterday, I used the ceiling as a 5th wall and hung quilts up there! I wonder if I can make a design wall up there? Hmmmm
As you probobly figured it out I did not win the Mega Million dollar lottery. Well, I DID win 2 dollars!Next time. I found the perfect sink I would like to put in the home I'll be building. Wanna see it? My inspiration is from my biscotti jar. Can ya just see me walking all over toting this big ceramic jar around? I cant wait!
I keep a file for such ideas so that when the time comes, I'm READY!! I can just whip out the pictures and point. :::sigh::: You should see my studio pictures!
For today I shall be quilting on a snowball. I think I've done the stand and stare long enough. I am still ditching while contimplating though! Hey! Thank goodness I remembered to tell you this! I have a new app on my Android Smart phone you just have to try!

 How simple this has made my day!!! Its Robert kauffman fabric calculater, and much more!! Go get it! Its free! I believe its also available for iPhone too.
 I better get to it... you peoples have a marvelous Monday!

MM include:

 Interfacing by the bolt for lots of tee shirt blocks!!
craigs list people that come get my boxes!
less boxes!
A car that "hydroplaning" is not in its dictionary
RK Fabric Calculater App! WOOHOO!!
The new rock garden looking so inviting out here.


Rian said...

Hanging quilts from the ceiling? Here's an idea 4 ya:

Anonymous said...

lovin the sink woman, do you have any biscotti in the biscotti jar? I remember buying it with you, :)


Turtles In Northern Florida said...

Oh my gosh! Thank you for the app! I cant wait to go get it :)...Lovin the sink too!

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